Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's not the end :D

So uni study is nearrrly finished, thank God! Exam's on tuesday and I'm slowly getting there. Kim, you are amazing, I loved the librarian lady gaga rendition- fan. tastic.

This is the time of semester where I really need to call on my resources to get through, that last few weeks where you feel like you're running on empty. There's a quote which I read once " Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not, it's not the end." Well, hopefully this is true for my situation. I just keep thinking about how when this is all over, I'll get to go to Phuket, and do nothing for a whole week except rest, swim and get massages.

This is Paradise Beach in Phuket, not many people know it exists, but that's what has kept it so special- I have a photo climbing that exact palm tree, I'll add it to this post when I get back from uni!

Sorry I haven't been the best with oufit posting. To be perfectly honest, I've not been fit for public consumption with studying, spending most of the time at home in my sleepy tee and soft home socks ( Real attractive stuff;) ) I'm hoping once I've finished this exam I'll have more free time! Anyway, here's just a glimpse at some of the stuff I HAVE been wearing!

You all thought I was joking about the sleepy tee, didn't you !

The house is still pretty much exactly as it was when we moved in, the living area and the theater are painted, but none of the other rooms have been done yet, and all the furniture is at was when it got there, I can literally sit on my couch and eat at the dining table.. something I've always wanted to do, but not exactly this way.. cest la vie, I figure I'm not going to get better exam marks for an organised house, so it can wait :) So I promis, I haven't forgotten about sharing the house with you all.. it's just not ready!

<3 All the love in the world, Lily

1 comment:

  1. I know how it feels to be so busy Lily, its a sign of the times I think. My blog has suffered too, I have not had a moment to post anything. For me its not been sleepy tees (I have one just like yours!!) but tunic tops, leggings and uggs, not much to post about! :D

    I really love the second outfit post, the colours are so lovely on you. :D

    Hang in there Lily, I hope everything goes okay with the study, plenty of time for blogging later!

