Sunday, July 18, 2010

Made on the Left


Went to Made on the Left today, a designer art and craft market which showcases creative talent across Perth. My goodness, if only I was so talented!! It was soo great, it's one thing to scroll through etsy stores online, it's another thing entirely to be able to see all this stuff in one place, and even get to talk to the amazingly gifted people who've created it ! So much beautiful stuff I had no idea where to start! Bought some delicious handmade soap - coconut slice scent so yummy I'll have to remind myself it's soap!

Also, another amazing thing happened - I was just walking about, taking in all the amazing sights, looking what I thought - very worst for wear -and one of the ridiculously talented designers, from the label Olive Farm - asked me if I'd like to model some of her beautiful headpieces & headbands for her!! You literally could have blown me over with a feather. For one - i adore headbands and headpieces, and these were the prettiest I'd ever laid my eyes on, and for 2: even though I've been doing some stuff for my photographer friend and his colleagues, i have never quite thought of myself as being anything close to a model!
Olive Farm Pics

Made of Awesome necklace

Hope you're having a brilliant time, full of adventures, wherever you are in the world!

All my Love, <3 Lily


  1. Oh those are so gorgeous!! And how cool it it you were asked to model!! :D

    Where is the market held Lily?

    I am going to make my socks and sell some on etsy, everyone says its a good idea. Now all I need are some models....?? teehee! :D

    Hope your week is going great Lily. :)

  2. that looks so fun!your blog is so cute, following :)

  3. how cool that they have asked you to be their model!!! :D amazing!
    seems that everyone is crazy about etsy! i have to check it, definitely!
