Saturday, April 9, 2011

Things I love about Seattle

2am and I've just got off the phone to Luly Yang.. God I can't wait to get back to Seattle, there are so many things that I love about that beautiful city. Totally surreal experience talking about my wedding dress' progress too. Still can't believe I'm having a one off dress made for me, amazing!

Things I miss about Seattle, somehow they've mostly ended up being about food!

1. my Family - totally worth those hours spent in the air to get there!

2. Cherry pop tarts - you should have seen my little eyes light up when I saw a gigantic box of these bad boys at Costco for 7.49... no wonder I put on 2 and a half inches on my waist while i was there!

3. Chai lattes are just SO much better in America.. my dear Australia - honey is for lemon tea, and people with colds, not for heaping into chai!

4. Seattle library. Middle of Winter and it amazed me how light and airy it seemed in there...perfect for studying while I'm back in the holidays. Probably a lot of the reason why I love Seattle so much too, any city that spends that much money on a library and the arts is okay in my book :)

5.Chinese massages by real chinese people hidden away in older shopping centres and spots you would never even know existed otherwise.

6. Ferry boats. Of course ;) This also might explain why I'm so in love with harbor master !

7. American shops: Bath and Body Works and Victoria's Secret and Nordstrom in particular - should be even better this next time, as the Aussie dollar makes everything even cheaper!

8. Guido's - quite possibly my favourite Italian Restaurant in the world, on par with Phuket's " La Trattoria at Laguna. I could become morbidly obese if I didn't live more than a plane ride away from these places!

9. The nature - The huge pine trees, the snow capped mountains that just pop up out of nowhere, the distance, the hills, the lakes, Seattle is so pretty - oh and North Bend ! This will be my first time going in the Summer, so I'm hoping I get to get my Bear Grylls on and do some hiking!

10. The Space needle! along with Petronas twin towers in KL, one of my favourite looking buildings.

11. Raspberry Iridescent m& m's and Passionfruit Malibu

12. Costco - i know i said American shops, but I think the sheer size of Costco means it deserves it's own special mention - also the huggggge pizza slices make me feel like i'm a little child again they're so big

So many, many things, but I thought I'd better stop myself at 12! Anyway, I'll post some pics of what I've been wearing tomorrow :)

hope you've all been having a fantastic weekend, wherever you are in the world
<3 Lily


  1. I just came across your blog and I love it! I am hoping to move to perth to study physiotherapy in a year or two.

  2. Hey Keri - how awesome for me that you found it! so glad u like it so much, u truly just made my day!

    Perth is a beautiful place to live, i think this has been one of the longest summers I can remember, even today there's barely a cloud. We're more than a month and a half into autumn here, and still yesterday we had a 35 degree celsius day :)

    Curtin University is a uni here that has a good reputation for their physio degree - all the best, maybe sometime next year we can catch up for real! feel free to ask me anything about living in Perth too

    <3 Lily

  3. Hi Lily

    How exciting is your wedding dress update!!

    I have just had two weeks in the US, a week of work and a week of holiday it was nice to have a break!! :) That was my 5th trip there already this year!! :) My waist size suffers every time too!! :)

    I also seem to end up dressing very American, which I am not sure is a good thing or I am TOTALLY hooked on socks with heels with shorts or short skirts :D But I do love the prices you pay for everything.

    Whats new in Perth?? Summers on its way here :D


  4. I totally agree Kim, the prices are ridiculous, especially coming from Perth where everything comes at a premium.. even more for weddings, to have bought my then potential wedding dress here would have been $3500.. exact same in US was $500. not kidding... crazy!

    I'm loving the over the knees/ high socks with short shorts, but I've gotta say, we haven't had the days cool enough to wear them yet!

    All my love, Lily
